Title | Author | Issue |
Persephone’s Lark Song | Megan Grumbling | 25 |
#999, Red | Beth Woodcome | 6 |
Şoricel | Tara Skurtu | 22 |
“Becoming Again a Threshold” | Lisa Williams | 18 |
(What is here inserted comes from a Credible Hand and attested by some now in Boston) | Holly M. Wendt | 24 |
2am Bar Poem | Sean Cho A. | 31 |
35 Miller Drive | David Roderick | 13 |
7th Grade Science Lesson | Maya Pindyck | 21 |
from Archipelago | Sam Cha | 20 |
from Archipelago | Sam Cha | 20 |
from Sound Net Sequence | Joyce Peseroff | 16 |
La logique assassine | Norman Dubie | 27 |
A Career | Justin Vicari | 5 |
A dangerous time: these hours in the night. | J.L. Conrad | 22 |
A Field Guide to the Moths of North America | Aaron Baker | 27 |
A Great Many Signs of a Very Bitter Cold to Come | Claire Wahmanholm | 23 |
A Lexicon to Fill a Rain Gauge | Keith Leonard | 20 |
A monument of unwashed dishes | Amy Gerstler | 30 |
A Small River in Iowa and the Wide World | Catherine Breese Davis | 23 |
A Warm Enough Question | Terrell Jamal Terry | 25 |
A Woman was Singing Somewhere | Matthew Thorburn | 26 |
A-Fib | Derek Mong | 15 |
Abbr. Bestiary | Dora Malech | 28 |
Abide | Jake Adam York | 20 |
Abyss | Katrina Vandenberg | 13 |
After the Rapture | Jericho Brown | 20 |
Agatha in Anonymity (Woodcut,1488) | Alexis Orgera | 18 |
Alice and Me | Andrea Luttrell | 26 |
Aliens | Miguel Murphy | 15 |
All American Erotica: A .38 Slug in My Vocal Chords and the One That Got Away | Ed Pavlić | 19 |
Along the Road to Boston | Eamon Grennan | 16 |
Altar Boy | Kevin Simmonds | 21 |
Although I Am Only a Native Here | David Laskowski | 7 |
Altos (III) | Maggie Dietz | 1 |
Always Naming | Douglas Haynes | 3 |
Always Naming | Johannes Bobrowski | 3 |
American | Jennifer Tseng | 4 |
American Gothic, Circa 1950, by Rote | Rich Murphy | 1 |
American Tragedy | Rachel Richardson | 11 |
Anaphylaxis as Apotheosis | Cori A. Winrock | 23 |
And So, How Does One Learn How To Drown? | Eva Hooker | 9 |
Anonymity | Jakob VanLammeren | 19 |
Another Art | Jill McDonough | 25 |
another composition that makes a white and beautiful fire | Jeff Encke | 12 |
Aphasia | Dave Harrity | 23 |
Apology for Albuquerque | Kyle Churney | 21 |
Arches National Park | Jill McDonough | 19 |
Arizona | Michael Dhyne | 31 |
Armadilloed Boy | Mary O'Donoghue | 1 |
Arson | Allan Peterson | 20 |
Art Song | Jordan Smith | 6 |
As When Drought Imagines Fire | David Roderick | 13 |
Ashes | Rebecca Lehmann | 28 |
Astigmatic | Carolyn Guinzio | 2 |
At Dock’s End | Molly Spencer | 28 |
At Liberty | Jake Adam York | 8 |
At Risk | Greg Allendorf | 25 |
At The Shooting Range | Tony Mancus | 6 |
ATLien Freestyles Over “Wheelz of Steel” | Marcus Wicker | 32 |
ATLien Ghostrides the Whip to Stankonia Studios | Marcus Wicker | 32 |
Aurat | Sarah Ghazal Ali | 31 |
Avoiding the Topic | Jeffrey Perkins | 22 |
Backblast Area Clear | Karen Skolfield | 18 |
Backboard | Austin Segrest | 23 |
Ballistics | Matt W. Miller | 11 |
Basic Writing Skills | Jill McDonough | 19 |
Beast & Master
| Claire Wahmanholm | 27 |
Belated Epithalamium | Shara Lessley | 30 |
Betrayal and the Crow | Jessica Murray | 10 |
Betrothal | Monica Ferrell | 28 |
Betty and Me | Mary Grover | 7 |
Bipinnate Plants & Other Bracken | Mairead Small Staid | 29 |
Birthmark | Adam McGee | 26 |
Bitch as Sheepdog | Jenny Molberg | 32 |
Blue Heat | Sara J. Grossman | 18 |
Bluff | Karyna McGlynn | 14 |
Both you & he | Jean Valentine | 19 |
Bowl | Jean Monahan | 1 |
Boxing Gospels: Agatha’s Vision | Alexis Orgera | 18 |
Broken Watch | Jean Monahan | 1 |
Brother on Brother | Greg Wrenn | 8 |
Bus | Sidney Wade | 20 |
But Enough About Me | Ethan Gilsdorf | 7 |
By the Shore | Meriwether Clarke | 25 |
Café with Faceless Man | Hadara Bar-Nadav | 3 |
Calculating Route | Caki Wilkinson | 16 |
Caliban and Miranda | Mark Rosenberg | 1 |
California, Again | Samuel Wharton | 5 |
Camino Real | Kara Candito | 19 |
Catch | Hadara Bar-Nadav | 13 |
Cathedral | Derrick Austin | 22 |
Cathy Dies | Nicky Beer | 27 |
Caulk | Darren Morris | 9 |
Cave Theory | Matthew Hittinger | 3 |
Cecilia, Stargazing | Michele Battiste | 4 |
Chicago Venus | Janice N. Harrington | 32 |
Child Holding Potato | Rick Barot | 17 |
Child Imagined | Molly McCully Brown | 30 |
Cicadas | Christina Pugh | 1 |
Clean Slate | Benjamin Landry | 25 |
Cleavage | Kuhu Joshi | 33 |
Cloud | Hadara Bar-Nadav | 28 |
Cold Green | Catherine Wing | 24 |
Color Theory | Bethany Carlson | 15 |
Coming to Place | Elias Siqueiros | 7 |
Complex | Rachel Mallino | 12 |
Concentration | Catherine Wing | 24 |
Concerto for the Left Hand | Adam Tessier | 15 |
Conversation with Therese | Esther Lin | 25 |
Coral | Miguel Murphy | 15 |
Corps / Cœur | Sean Singer | 2 |
Correspondence | Jericho Brown | 29 |
Counting Down the Night | Darren Morris | 9 |
County Fair | Jason Gray | 26 |
Crash and Burn | Hadara Bar-Nadav | 13 |
Crossing the Three-Rope Bridge | Chloe Honum | 17 |
Cumulonimbus | Jonathan Weinert | 7 |
Cutting Hair | Casey Thayer | 20 |
Cyclops | Tyler Mills | 18 |
Danse des Petits Cygnes | Chloe Honum | 17 |
Darken Ship | Brandon Courtney | 24 |
Darlings and Dears | Hannah Stephenson | 21 |
Daughtersong | Barbara Jane Reyes | 32 |
Days | Jeffrey Renard Allen | 2 |
De Profundis | Todd Hearon | 11 |
Dear Empire, | Oliver de la Paz | 18 |
Dear Empire, | Oliver de la Paz | 18 |
Dear Empire, | Oliver de la Paz | 18 |
Dear God, | Kevin Prufer | 11 |
Dear Thirst | Joyce Peseroff | 27 |
Deciduous | Matt W. Miller | 11 |
Deep, Like Blood | Jeff Newberry | 10 |
Deer Hunting | A. McHugh | 12 |
Delicate Craters | Kathleen Winter | 24 |
Deposition on Traumata | Diana Khoi Nguyen | 20 |
Desire | Anthony Deaton | 19 |
Dido | Nicole Cuddeback | 2 |
Diorama—Oradium Yellow and Black | Adam Day | 12 |
Disassembled Parts of a Bass Clarinet | Sean Singer | 18 |
Discovery: Negative Return | Tara Skurtu | 22 |
Distant Possessions | José Edmundo Ocampo Reyes | 31 |
Don’t Doubt It | David Rivard | 23 |
Downdraft | Mary Biddinger | 11 |
Dusk | Chad Parmenter | 18 |
Early Morning Walks | Gail Mazur | 29 |
Earthquake | Karin Gottshall | 14 |
Effigy Without a Body | Derrick Austin | 22 |
Ekphrasis, Italy | David Alworth | 5 |
Elegy | Dora Malech | 28 |
Elegy | Nicole Rollender | 25 |
Elegy VII (Metaphors for Grief) | Jason Schneiderman | 13 |
Elegy VIII (Last Moment) | Jason Schneiderman | 13 |
Empty Racetrack, Early Morning | Jordan Smith | 6 |
Empty Womb | Rochelle Hurt | 31 |
Eschatology | Allan Peterson | 20 |
Euclid on the Erotic Postulate | Matthew Hittinger | 7 |
Eurydice at the Mouth | Yanyi | 28 |
Even Quieter | Rebecca Givens | 3 |
Even Strangers are Not Strangers | Major Jackson | 10 |
Evening | Alex Dimitrov | 17 |
Every Three Years, | Steven Cramer | 9 |
Everything All at Once (My Self as Ocean) | Bryce Emley | 26 |
Exotic Locales | Tim Ross | 4 |
Failure | Jennifer Clarvoe | 29 |
Failure | Eugene Gloria | 21 |
Faith | Karin Gottshall | 20 |
Faith: A Translation | Jill McDonough | 1 |
Fall | Sandra Lim | 17 |
Family Art History | Gail Mazur | 24 |
Family Farm Sonnet | Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers | 29 |
Family Movie Night: Mr. Universe | Jacob Saenz | 30 |
Family Values | Eamon Grennan | 16 |
Fare | Jessica Goodfellow | 23 |
Farrier | Darren Morris | 11 |
Feedback Loop | Jake Adam York | 20 |
Fiction | Beth Woodcome | 6 |
Field Recording, Notes from the Machine | Brian Barker | 13 |
Filial Piety | Jennifer Tseng | 4 |
Fireflies | Bill Neumire | 16 |
First Walk Through the Copse | Rebecca Black | 12 |
First Witness: Clyde Evans, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son | Shannon Amidon | 9 |
Fledge | Diana Khoi Nguyen | 20 |
Flightless Rail | Carolyn Guinzio | 2 |
Float/Fate | Terrell Jamal Terry | 25 |
Following | Allan Peterson | 20 |
Football Season | Jericho Brown | 20 |
For Eleza | Dora Malech | 28 |
For the Men We Loved Who Never Returned from War | T.J. Jarrett | 30 |
For Weather | Matthew Gavin Frank | 10 |
Forced Labor | Teresa Cader | 20 |
Forest | Rob Schlegel | 22 |
Freak | Philip White | 20 |
Fred, Separate | Michelle Matthees | 19 |
Fretless at the Get-go | Justin Lacour | 3 |
From A Spell Called Home | Trevor Ketner | 28 |
From A Spell Called Home | Trevor Ketner | 28 |
from Clangings | Steven Cramer | 17 |
from Clangings | Steven Cramer | 17 |
from Clangings | Steven Cramer | 17 |
From Peru | Rachel Carroll | 2 |
Fugue | Tim Ross | 4 |
Full Moon | Kelly Cherry | 21 |
Furini’s Agatha | Alexis Orgera | 18 |
Garlic | Jean Monahan | 1 |
Gathering | Austin Araujo | 31 |
Gazelle in the House | Lisa Williams | 18 |
Geese Crossing the Turnpike | Darren Morris | 9 |
Geography | Kelly Cherry | 21 |
Gethsemane | Christopher Hennessy | 2 |
Getting Dad Dressed for the Doctor | Noah Baldino | 31 |
Giantess and the Fountain of the Giants | Lesley Jenike | 9 |
Gloria Mundi | Michael Kleber-Diggs | 31 |
Goat Songs (I) | Jessica Murray | 10 |
Goat Songs (II) | Jessica Murray | 10 |
God is Your Shoulder | Molly McCully Brown | 30 |
Golden Apple, Gauloises Blonde | Paula Bohince | 27 |
Gone West | Michele Battiste | 27 |
Good White People | Jericho Brown | 29 |
Gospel with Quarrel and Hapless Prayer | Anna Leigh Knowles | 28 |
Grandfather as a Boy Beneath the Floor | Albert Abonado | 18 |
Greenough’s Pond | Kelle Groom | 5 |
Greenville (Reprise) | T.J. Jarrett | 30 |
Grief is Simple Interference: Endings Overlapping | Fritz Ward | 7 |
Guidebook | Augusta Funk | 29 |
Gwyneth Paltrow Hates Horses | Mary Spooner | 31 |
Harm, with Figurative Language | Matthew Tuckner | 33 |
Harry Farr | Todd Hearon | 11 |
Haven | Emily Rosko | 1 |
Here in the Future We Are Always Watching Ourselves | Catherine Pierce | 27 |
Here We Go | David Rivard | 23 |
History of My Timidity | Gail Mazur | 15 |
Home, with Figurative Language | Matthew Tuckner | 33 |
Homeric Similes in Japantown | Greg Wrenn | 18 |
Homunculus Survival | Sally Wen Mao | 18 |
Hospital | Kevin Prufer | 11 |
Hospitality | Caki Wilkinson | 16 |
Housewarming | Joshua Rivkin | 14 |
How I Became a Ghost | Leslie Harrison | 11 |
How My Father Came By the Name of Cuthbert | Rebecca Black | 12 |
How Water Is Manufactured | G. C. Waldrep | 11 |
Husserl’s Theoretical Horizon, or a Ghost Is a House You Live in | C. Dylan Bassett | 19 |
Hypochondria | Anne Barngrover | 25 |
I am Ghost Brain I/ Sister to All Things Cruelty | Joseph P. Wood | 21 |
I Know What I Love | Jericho Brown | 29 |
I never read one word Toni Morrison wrote. | Jennifer Tseng | 27 |
I Stabbed Someone Before I Found the Lord | Kathleen Winter | 13 |
I’m going to sleep | Jean Valentine | 19 |
Iconic | Michelle Matthees | 19 |
Idiot River | David Welch | 27 |
If We Should Treat Ourselves with Tenderness, this Fluttering Open | Cory Hutchinson-Reuss | 33 |
In Hiding | Meriwether Clarke | 25 |
In Summer | Sarah Kirsch | 3 |
In Summer | Douglas Haynes | 3 |
In the Beginning | Angela Voras-Hills | 24 |
In the Castro | Jacques J. Rancourt | 26 |
In the City of Fallen Rebels | Brian Barker | 13 |
in the museum of the legion of honor | Kathleen Winter | 24 |
Incantation II | Hussain Ahmed | 33 |
Incantation III | Hussain Ahmed | 33 |
Informing Jazz and Blues of the Answers | Sean Singer | 2 |
Inside | Dan Albergotti | 22 |
Instead—Small, Rather Huddled and So On | Lauren Camp | 23 |
Instrument Training & Algorithms for Shepherds | Ed Pavlić | 6 |
Intaglio | Andrea Cohen | 8 |
Interior | Gregory Lawless | 11 |
Intimacy | Jen Levitt | 31 |
Invention No. 1 in a minor | Hyejung Kook | 17 |
Inventory | Gail Mazur | 19 |
Investor | George David Clark | 32 |
Inward Conversation | Gail Mazur | 15 |
Iron Rising Out of Iron | David Rivard | 23 |
Jesus Has Taken Residence In My Heart | Chris Haven | 14 |
John Keats | David Kirby | 25 |
Jonah Dream | Norman Dubie | 27 |
July 9, 1819: Rose Butler | Jill McDonough | 5 |
June 4, 1715: Margaret Gaulacher | Jill McDonough | 5 |
June 9, 1916: Juan Sanchez | Jill McDonough | 5 |
June Morning, Sargakhet | Lynn Chandhok | 8 |
Karate Trophy | Virginia Konchan | 21 |
Kingdom, Come | Peter Jay Shippy | 4 |
La Feill Moire | Maureen Alsop | 21 |
Labyrinth | Rachel Richardson | 21 |
Lament | Barbara Jane Reyes | 32 |
Lament/Praise | Ann Keniston | 7 |
Landscape with Vulture | Kathryn Bratt-Pfotenhauer | 31 |
Laquan McDonald: Also a Lamb | Jermaine Thompson | 28 |
Late Spring in Jasper County | Hai-Dang Phan | 28 |
Laws of Conservation | Jake Adam York | 20 |
Laying the Cloth, et cetera | Sarah Rose Nordgren | 18 |
Leaving | Tarfia Faizullah | 10 |
Leaving the Room | Megan Grumbling | 14 |
Legacy | Rob Schlegel | 22 |
Lent | Nancy Reddy | 16 |
Let Me Tell You People Something | Kiki Petrosino | 24 |
Letter to Jim in Syria | David Roderick | 32 |
Letter Written on a Hundred Dollar Bill | Jake Adam York | 20 |
Libreta de Abastecimiento | Leslie Sainz | 32 |
Like a Gyrfalcon in the Desert, I Was Raised To Be Useless | Majda Gama | 33 |
Like Dante, Looking | Katy Didden | 22 |
Lilacs | Lisa Russ Spaar | 32 |
Lilacs hedge the yard | Jennifer Luebbers Leonard | 22 |
Little Boxes | Jaydn DeWald | 13 |
Little Spell | Shara Lessley | 30 |
Little Terror | Joanne Diaz | 19 |
Little Thieves | Matthew Thorburn | 16 |
Little Tiny | Christine Marshall | 22 |
Live Girls | Andrea Cohen | 15 |
Loan | Christina Pugh | 1 |
Log: Day 92 | Lindsey Alexander | 32 |
Logic | Muriel Nelson | 5 |
Long Darning Needles’ Hint of Suture | Joshua Kryah | 6 |
Long Occupation | Stefanie Wortman | 17 |
Longest Duration to Stand Motionless | Frank Giampietro | 13 |
Love | Leslie Harrison | 11 |
Love | Jake Adam York | 8 |
Love Poem for Lupus | Molly Spencer | 28 |
Love Poem with Trash Compactor | Andrea Cohen | 8 |
Lucid Dreaming | Eric Pankey | 28 |
Lull | Mark Conway | 10 |
Lung | Melissa Stein | 24 |
Magpie in My Own Image | J. P. Dancing Bear | 15 |
Malecón | Leslie Sainz | 32 |
Man at Window | Elias Siqueiros | 7 |
Mara and the Hen | Holly Karapetkova | 10 |
Marche Slave | Daniel Nester | 5 |
Marching Band Adjudication Services | Marc McKee | 24 |
Marginalia in Time of War | Brian Culhane | 19 |
Matins for the Last Frost | Kimberly Johnson | 20 |
Mausoleum | Claire Wahmanholm | 27 |
Mayday | Karen Skolfield | 18 |
Meat, Meat, Meat, Meat, Meat | Jeanne Larsen | 29 |
Meditation on Decades | Karen An-hwei Lee | 24 |
Memoria | Allan Peterson | 24 |
Memories of bulimia during morning sickness | Jessica Bell Rizzolo | 31 |
Memory of You | Laura Carter | 3 |
Mercy | Jennifer Luebbers Leonard | 22 |
Metempsychosis | Virginia Konchan | 21 |
Midas | M. E. MacFarland | 25 |
Middle Age | Wayne Miller | 30 |
Midnight with Infinite Vistas | Lisa Compo | 33 |
Midwinter | Sara J. Grossman | 18 |
Migration | Samuel Wharton | 5 |
Mine | Andrea Cohen | 26 |
Minor Detail | Sara Elkamel | 31 |
Miscarriage | Anna Ross | 8 |
Misplaced Child | Robert Krut | 7 |
Mithridatism | Catherine Pond | 24 |
Monday | Derrick Harriell | 26 |
Monody For Crane | Patrick Ryan Frank | 9 |
Monologue | Leah Umansky | 31 |
Morning Myth | Peter Mishler | 29 |
MOSQUE/SCHOOL | Nomi Stone | 23 |
Mother-Daughter | Meriwether Clarke | 25 |
Mourning | Nicole Rollender | 25 |
Mr. Death | Muriel Nelson | 5 |
Museum & Train, again | Christine Poreba | 33 |
My City Is Buried | Phoebe Reeves | 20 |
My City is Not Called Ladders | Kent Shaw | 25 |
My Daddy as Stand Your Ground | Jermaine Thompson | 28 |
my father raises his shirt | Gary Jackson | 28 |
My Fear Is A Green-Eyed Monster | Kathleen Winter | 19 |
My Grandmother’s Mouth, Postpartum | Mira Rosenthal | 29 |
My Life as Conceived by Brueghel the Elder | Brian Culhane | 13 |
My Quarry | Casey Thayer | 20 |
My Scorpion | Jenny Molberg | 32 |
My Studio | Gail Mazur | 19 |
My Symbolic Suggestion | Daniel Nester | 5 |
My words to you | Jean Valentine | 19 |
Naïveté for a New World | Diana Khoi Nguyen | 20 |
Nectar | Gary McDowell | 8 |
Neighborhood of Man | Stefanie Wortman | 17 |
Nestor | Tyler Mills | 18 |
Nietzsche, Pasolini & I | Christopher Hennessy | 2 |
Night | Celia Gilbert | 3 |
Night Hunt | Monica Ferrell | 28 |
No More Water | Joyce Peseroff | 6 |
No Music in the Music Room | Alexandra Wilder | 9 |
No Rest for the Ravens | Robert Wrigley | 23 |
Nocturne | Kiki Petrosino | 24 |
Nocturne, Lamar’s Chrystal Lounge | Emilia Phillips | 25 |
Nostalgia for the Criminal Past | Kathleen Winter | 13 |
Not Just an Apple | Allan Peterson | 24 |
Not the Whale: Folktale on the Blyde River | Matthew Gavin Frank | 10 |
Note on the Red Line L : Paper Boats : : The Messenger Wire : | Darren Morris | 11 |
Notes in Chalk on a Ruined Bridge | Gail Mazur | 15 |
Nurse Nacirema | Eugene Gloria | 21 |
O | Sumita Chakraborty | 30 |
October 21, 1773: Levi Ames | Jill McDonough | 5 |
Ode to Doubt | Dorine Preston | 9 |
Ode to the Cannibal | Jennie Malboeuf | 29 |
Odysseus to Eurylochus | Brandon Courtney | 24 |
Often I Feel as if Someone Has Hit Me with Cold Water | Angela Ball | 30 |
On Highland Road | Michael White | 15 |
On New Year’s Eve | Laura Stott | 27 |
On our recent tour sponsored by the Romantics | Emily Rosko | 1 |
On spotting blue-haired ladies at Luckie’s gaming house, | Lynne Thompson | 10 |
On Stone Mountain | Hai-Dang Phan | 28 |
On the Eve of the Death of the Patron Saint of Those Whose Lives are Lost to Something Science Can’t Explain | Angela Voras-Hills | 24 |
Once My Mother | Pam Matz | 26 |
One Country May Hide Another | David Welch | 27 |
One Reason | David Krump | 8 |
Oneida | Patrick Ryan Frank | 9 |
Only water is meant to be breathing | Kent Shaw | 16 |
Or They Might Be the Deer | K. A. Hays | 12 |
Organizing Principle | Hadara Bar-Nadav | 3 |
Our Mothers | Joseph O. Legaspi | 26 |
Outside, two monarchs | Claire McQuerry | 32 |
Overpass | Emilia Phillips | 25 |
Overtime | Karina Borowicz | 6 |
Owl | José Antonio Rodríguez | 21 |
Ozymandias II | Brian Culhane | 13 |
Paducah | Robert Wrigley | 23 |
Painting the Soldiers | Andrea Cohen | 26 |
Pajaro Dunes: Family Notebook | Mia Ayumi Malhotra | 31 |
Palmistry | Emma Bolden | 14 |
Palo Santo in September | Augusta Funk | 29 |
Pan | Gabriel Fried | 20 |
paraskevidekatriaphobia | Mark DeCarteret | 6 |
Partial Inventory of Airborne Debris | Timothy Donnelly | 14 |
Partition Ghazal | Sarah Ghazal Ali | 31 |
Parvati Fails the First Test of Being Holy | Vandana Khanna | 21 |
Peace Talks with Equilibrium | David Alworth | 5 |
Perennial | Gail Mazur | 24 |
Persephone’s Cleft Song | Megan Grumbling | 25 |
Photo: Father Thinking about Son before Studio Portrait | Jody Helfand | 8 |
Photo: Regina with Roman and Lilka | Jody Helfand | 8 |
Photograph | Rachel Richardson | 11 |
Phototropism | Mairead Small Staid | 29 |
Plumule, Plumb Rule, & Plum Gouger | Anna Lena Phillips Bell | 31 |
Poem apologizing to Gwendolyn Brooks | Marlin M. Jenkins | 32 |
Poem Beginning with a Wrong Line | Grace Q. Song | 33 |
Poems: A Morning Routine | M. Soledad Caballero | 26 |
Pollux Considers Life As A Constellation | Molly McCully Brown | 30 |
Population: 41,685 | Mary Biddinger | 11 |
Portrait of Depression Addressing the Girl Child | Brionne Janae | 28 |
Postcard | Miguel Murphy | 15 |
Postcard to Eduardo | Sean Hill | 17 |
Postcard to Wrong Address | Sean Hill | 17 |
Postpartum | J.L. Conrad | 22 |
Postscript to Silence | Jake Adam York | 20 |
Power can be its own form of darkness | Jessica Bell Rizzolo | 31 |
Prayer | Virginia Konchan | 29 |
Pretend these are the rules | Bob Hicok | 9 |
Prophet in Lace | Jeffrey Renard Allen | 2 |
Provenance | Nathan Blansett | 28 |
Quantum Theory | Kien Lam | 26 |
Queer Theory | Dennis Hinrichsen | 22 |
Question | Sara Eliza Johnson | 17 |
Radio Cash | Dennis Hinrichsen | 12 |
Really, There is no End to Ambition | Kent Shaw | 25 |
Recycling Day | Andrea Cohen | 1 |
Remarks on My Sculpture | Sandra Lim | 17 |
Remember Me As a Time of Day | Erika Meitner | 24 |
Removal | Mark Allen Jenkins | 14 |
Repeats Itself | Kathy Fagan | 31 |
Requiem for the Firstborn | Traci Brimhall | 14 |
Rest Stop | Gail Mazur | 29 |
reunion | Gary Jackson | 28 |
River Body Identified | Piper Abernathy | 18 |
Robert Schumann is Mad Again & | Norman Dubie | 27 |
Ronnie Drenger and I Receive Some Signs from God | Jill McDonough | 1 |
Rosemary, Pansies, Fennel, Columbines | Kathleen Winter | 13 |
Rothko-esque | Dennis Hinrichsen | 22 |
Route 128, Georgetown, Maine | Tess Taylor | 8 |
Salt | Darren Morris | 11 |
Salt Flower | Eva Hooker | 12 |
Scattered Showers | Aaron Belz | 13 |
Scheherazade | Jehanne Dubrow | 22 |
Sea Heart | Lisa Williams | 18 |
Second Return | Ishion Hutchinson | 17 |
Self Portrait as Mouthpiece of God | Sarah Ghazal Ali | 31 |
Self-Portrait: Black’s Law Dictionary | Beth Woodcome | 6 |
Semaphore | Melissa Stein | 24 |
September 3, 2003: Paul Hill | Jill McDonough | 5 |
Severely Clear | David Hernandez | 26 |
Shadow of | Andrea Cohen | 26 |
Shipwreck | Gail Mazur | 15 |
Shock and Awe, Iraq, 2003 | Nomi Stone | 23 |
Shreds and Patches | David Laskowski | 7 |
Shrovetide | Lisa Russ Spaar | 32 |
Sibling Rivalry | Rodney Wittwer | 2 |
SickDad & WellFather | Dilruba Ahmed | 25 |
Silviculture | Cecily Parks | 16 |
Sin | Paula Bohince | 5 |
Since when did Mathematics have all the answers | Kent Shaw | 16 |
Sister, Be With Us | Diana Khoi Nguyen | 20 |
Sketches from a Childhood Sea | Joseph O. Legaspi | 26 |
Sky | Robert Krut | 7 |
Smuggling Poems | Gerardo Pacheco Matus | 30 |
Snake | Gerardo Pacheco Matus | 30 |
Snow Train | Susan Snively | 6 |
Sojourner | Joshua Kryah | 6 |
Solo Female Hiking Is Just Walking | Laura Eve Engel | 30 |
Solstice | Thorpe Moeckel | 15 |
Something Brighter than Pity | Carolina Ebeid | 8 |
Song | Jessica Garratt | 23 |
Song for Holding Tanks in a Vault | Tyler Mills | 20 |
Sound financial advice | Bob Hicok | 9 |
Souvenir | Jane Satterfield | 26 |
Sovereign Nation | Jeff Alessandrelli | 21 |
Sparrow Sculpture | Nandini Dhar | 27 |
Spishing | Sidney Wade | 20 |
Square Dance | Matthew Hittinger | 7 |
St. Rita’s | Kelle Groom | 11 |
Stake | Jericho Brown | 29 |
Still Life with Childhood | Andrea Cohen | 8 |
Still-Life, with Bruise | Sarah Barber | 14 |
Stitch in Time | Muriel Nelson | 7 |
Stolen from a Voice: Drowned or Burned or Bleached | Tyler Mills | 20 |
Stop and Listen | Robert Wrigley | 17 |
Strange, 1951 | Peter Waldor | 10 |
string theory | Hafizah Geter | 18 |
Stringing the Mandolin, 1770 | J. Camp Brown | 22 |
Study in Archaic Colors: Pronoun Troubles | Ed Pavlić | 6 |
Suitor’s Dream | Joshua Rivkin | 27 |
Summer of ‘62 | Phoebe Reeves | 20 |
Sunday | Derrick Harriell | 26 |
Sundial | Todd Hearon | 11 |
Sunshower | David Barber | 28 |
Swarm | Sarah Audsley | 30 |
Syrinx | Alexandria Hall | 24 |
Taking a Punch | Casey Thayer | 20 |
Tall Puppets | Megan Grumbling | 14 |
Taxi Poems | Sean Singer | 29 |
Temporary Apartment | Mira Rosenthal | 29 |
Tennessee | Michael Dhyne | 31 |
That Night | Gail Mazur | 29 |
The 70’s | Gail Mazur | 24 |
The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp | Danielle Jones-Pruett | 25 |
The Answer Man at the Circus | Rodney Wittwer | 2 |
The Aquarium at Alcatraz | Jane Zwart | 33 |
The Baggage Claim | Rich Murphy | 1 |
The Beach | Natalie Shapero | 30 |
The Bells that Clang Off-Key Invent New Noons | Katy Didden | 22 |
The Benevolence of the Butcher | Steven Cramer | 9 |
The Body | Robert McNamara | 4 |
The Body Makes Itself A Known Miracle | Sneha Subramanian Kanta | 33 |
The Body’s Case | Rodney Wittwer | 12 |
The Body-Object and Other Examples | Affonso Romano de Sant’Anna | 5 |
The Body-Object and Other Examples | Lloyd Schwartz | 5 |
The Broadcast | Michael Bazzett | 23 |
The Bullfight | Mark Schafer | 7 |
The Bullfight | David Huerta | 7 |
The Burial of Emilie Neumann Muse | Patrick Ryan Frank | 9 |
The Chance | Anthony Carelli | 14 |
The Cigarette Wheel: Seaside Heights, New Jersey, 1942 | Ralph Sneeden | 12 |
The Collar | Anthony Carelli | 14 |
The Consolation Splash in Synchronized Swimming | Kristina Martino | 29 |
The Cosmetologist | Caki Wilkinson | 16 |
The Craft of Poetry | David Daniel | 15 |
The Daughter of Lot | Eric Pankey | 16 |
The Devil Makes an Erotics of the Sun | Charlie Clark | 28 |
The Disappearing Room | Nicole Cuddeback | 2 |
The Electricity of Your Acupuncture Is Breathing | G. C. Waldrep | 11 |
The Endodontist | Johanna Pittman | 9 |
The Fabric of Enclosure Is a Fissionable Respite | G. C. Waldrep | 11 |
The Fifth War | Holly Karapetkova | 10 |
The Fingerprint Clerk | Joshua Rivkin | 14 |
The Fourth Georgic | Jessica Murray | 23 |
The Fresco Worker Appears Suddenly In The Picture | Matthew Hittinger | 3 |
The Gamekeeper’s Lament | F. Daniel Rzicznek | 12 |
The Gate | Jacques J. Rancourt | 26 |
The Generals of South America | M. Soledad Caballero | 26 |
The Girl Offers up Her Resignation | Nickole Brown | 16 |
The Harpoon | Melissa Range | 11 |
The Heart of a Rabbit | Brian Barker | 27 |
The Hole Beside the House | Joyce Peseroff | 6 |
The Hospitality of War | Eva Hooker | 12 |
The Instructional | Erica Wright | 8 |
The Instrumentarium of Harry Partch | Richard Wollman | 8 |
The Island of Foodies | Major Jackson | 10 |
The Kiss | Yanyi | 28 |
The Last Songbird | Brian Barker | 13 |
The Living | David Daniel | 15 |
The Lords and Serfs of Sand and Sea | Keith Leonard | 20 |
The Lost Girls | Lynn Chandhok | 8 |
The Male Mantis | Geoffrey Brock | 4 |
The Marriage | Timothy Liu | 16 |
The Master and the Apprentice | Colby Cedar Smith | 9 |
The Meaning of Objects | Janice N. Harrington | 32 |
The Memory of Pain | Elaine Wang | 27 |
The Metallurgist | Megan Fernandes | 19 |
The Minsk | Gregory Lawless | 11 |
The Mission | Gail Mazur | 4 |
The Moth | Francisco Márquez | 32 |
The Night the Painter Unpinned Her Hair | Katrina Vandenberg | 13 |
The Nilometer | Robin Ekiss | 11 |
The Oral Tradition | Norman Dubie | 17 |
The Order | David Daniel | 15 |
The Orpheus Variations | Geoffrey Brock | 4 |
The Otter | Adam Day | 12 |
The Overgrown War | John Gallaher | 15 |
The Penitent | Chi-Wai Au | 7 |
The Quadrant | Nomi Stone | 23 |
The Rope | Melissa Range | 11 |
The Scarecrow’s Apprentice | Robert Murdock | 16 |
The Search for the Impossible Boy | Bradley Harrison | 16 |
The Smithy | Dorine Preston | 9 |
The Storm | Greg Wrenn | 18 |
The Summer that Never Was | Catherine Breese Davis | 23 |
The Taxidermist’s Wife | Danielle Jones-Pruett | 25 |
The Town Dreams the Tornado Apologizes | Catherine Pierce | 22 |
The Town Knows It’s a Girl | Cori A. Winrock | 23 |
The Veronica Maneuver | Jennifer Moore | 23 |
The Warhorse | Melissa Range | 11 |
The Water | Dana Levin | 14 |
The Witch Remembers The Village in Terms of Its Wants | Emma Bolden | 14 |
The Women of Kingfisher | Stacy Kidd | 4 |
The Years I Lived Beneath the Lake | Alexandra Teague | 33 |
The Young Martyr | Paula Bohince | 5 |
Theodicy in Parentheses | Brett DeFries | 11 |
There Are Lots of Guns Here— | Kara Candito | 19 |
There were Turtles | Matthew Hittinger | 23 |
Thief | David Rivard | 4 |
Thighs and Ass | Jericho Brown | 29 |
Things | Gail Mazur | 24 |
Thinking about Her Chemo after Hitting a Bird on the Ride Home | Bill Neumire | 16 |
Thirteen | Chloe Honum | 17 |
Three Poems | Matthew Rohrer | 1 |
Three Poems | Joshua Beckman | 1 |
Tiflis. July 1931. | Norman Dubie | 17 |
Time and Tide | Rebecca Dunham | 29 |
Tornado Weather | Catherine Pond | 24 |
Translation | Todd Hearon | 11 |
Two Eloping Disks with the Same Radius | Norman Dubie | 27 |
Two Poems from October | Jos Charles | 30 |
Two Red Cardinals | Andrea Cohen | 15 |
Unattended | Emily Rosko | 1 |
Uncle Tim and I Fix the Dishwasher | Noah Baldino | 31 |
Under Pressure | Beth McDermott | 32 |
Unhappy Mother of a Hero | Amy Gerstler | 30 |
Unmet | Amy Dryansky | 25 |
Valerian | Nathaniel Bellows | 8 |
Vessel | Rachel Richardson | 21 |
Violin | Ralph Sneeden | 16 |
Vision | Sara Eliza Johnson | 17 |
Visitation | K. A. Hays | 12 |
Visiting the Office of What’s Left | Mark Conway | 10 |
Voice-over | Piper Abernathy | 18 |
WAILING ROOM | Nomi Stone | 23 |
Waiters on Shoreline | David Krump | 8 |
War Song | Carly Joy Miller | 24 |
Watch | Jenna Le | 33 |
Water Soluble Dreams | David Hernandez | 26 |
We Begin in Joshua Tree | Cathy Linh Che | 23 |
We made the sea a woman | Keith Leonard | 20 |
We Say Pop | Peter Jay Shippy | 4 |
Weather Curve | Carolyn Guinzio | 9 |
Whale Poem | Sean Singer | 5 |
What Ghosts There Were | Todd Hearon | 2 |
What It Was Like | Anna Ross | 8 |
What Kind of Fool Am I | Kathy Fagan | 31 |
What the Structure Refuses to Hold | Michelle Matthees | 19 |
What the World Really Feels Like | Lori Lamothe | 29 |
What They Ate, Where They Ate It | Dennis Hinrichsen | 12 |
What Tongues Hold | Tony Mancus | 6 |
When After Too Much, Job Abandoned His City | C. Dylan Bassett | 19 |
When I Say I’ve Felt Alive I Mean | Mary Spooner | 31 |
White Peaches | Leslie Adrienne Miller | 26 |
Why Don’t You Wear a Black Crepe Glove Embroidered in Gold, Like the Hand that Bore a Falcon? | Kiki Petrosino | 24 |
Why I Don’t Piss in the Ocean | Maggie Dietz | 1 |
Why Not End this Experiment? | Michelle Peñaloza | 31 |
Why Sita Is Chosen | Vandana Khanna | 21 |
Why the Sound of Stars Is Metallic | Karen Lepri | 15 |
Why You Tried to Drown | Carly Joy Miller | 24 |
Wide-Eyed, Sure, Fella—But Maybe I Care More | Jeanne Larsen | 29 |
Wilderness | Dan Albergotti | 22 |
Willow Willow Willow | Eva Hooker | 9 |
Windows in the Underworld | Andrea Cohen | 1 |
Winter | Sarah Rose Nordgren | 33 |
Winter | Gary McDowell | 8 |
Wintering | Jennifer Chang | 13 |
Wisteria Strangles the Nearest Body | Cori A. Winrock | 23 |
Without Punctuation | Lindsey Alexander | 32 |
Workboy | Austin Segrest | 18 |
Write a Poem that Scares You | Kelle Groom | 5 |
Year of the Goat | David Welch | 27 |
You Bring Out the Dead in Me | Rita Mae Reese | 11 |
You Can Be an Elk | David Kirby | 25 |
You Have to Leave Me Twice | M. Soledad Caballero | 26 |
You Know What Your Problem Is | Jermaine Thompson | 28 |
You’re Running With Me, Don’t Touch the Ground | Erika Meitner | 24 |
Your Hands on This Rail | Jeffrey Bean | 13 |
Your Parents Were in Publishing | Farrah Field | 14 |
Your Tongue | Maggie Smith | 25 |
[ psalm ] : Lullaby | Jordan Windholz | 10 |
[all the stopping and starting] | Jon Woodward | 6 |
[I know enough I resist] | Jon Woodward | 6 |
[I tell you then] | Michael C. Peterson | 19 |
[It’s only when I look at trees] | Leah Souffrant | 3 |
[looking over the bomb inventory] | Jon Woodward | 6 |
[Omaha, what besides animals on loan can you offer] | Kyle McCord | 21 |
[The bridge’s shadow lies across the water] | Carolina Ebeid | 8 |
[You didn’t want to go to the sea] | Michael C. Peterson | 19 |