About Memorious
Memorious: A Journal of New Verse and Fiction
I remember him (I scarcely have the right to use this ghostly verb; only one man on earth deserved the right, and he is dead), I remember him with a dark passionflower in his hand, looking at it as no one has ever looked at such a flower, though they might look from the twilight of day until the twilight of night, for a whole life long.
Jorge Luis Borges, “Funes el Memorioso”

Editor-in-Chief & Poetry Editor

Rebecca Morgan Frank

Issue 33 Coeditors

Jessica Guzman, Hannah Dow

Technical Editor

Heather Van Aelst

Assistant Poetry Editor

Hannah Dow

Poetry Readers

Evan Blake, Annette C. Boehm, Zakiya Cowan, Patricia Damocles, Siew David Hii, Todd Osborne

Contributing Editors

Robert Arnold, Derrick Austin, Hadara Bar-Nadav, Barrett Bowlin, Adam Day, Katy Didden, Brian Green, Sara A. Lewis, Joanna Luloff, Ian Stansel, Brian Trapp, Laura van den Berg
Memorious was founded in 2004 by Robert Arnold, Brian Green,
and Rebecca Morgan Frank. Site design by Brian Green.
Memorious does not publish work from our staff members, but our contributors often become part of our staff.
Memorious is a member of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses.
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Copyright © 2004–2023 Memorious