Jeffrey Renard Allen is an Associate Professor of English at Queens College of the City University of New York and an instructor in the MFA writing program at New School University. He is the author of Harbors and Spirits, a collection of poems, and a novel, Rails Under My Back, which won the Chicago Tribune’s Heartland Prize for Fiction. Other awards include a Whiting Writers’ Award. Allen has also published essays, poems and short stories in numerous publications. His book of poems, Stellar Places, and his collection of stories, Bread and the Land, are forthcoming. He is currently completing work on his second novel.
Robert Arnold is a writer, photographer, and editor living in Boston.
Rachel Carroll received her MFA from the University of Florida, and her BA in English with Creative Writing emphasis at the University of Washington in Seattle. She has been published in Bricolage, an annual poetry, fiction, and art journal published by the University of Washington.
Nicole Cuddeback’s collection of poems The Saint of Burning Down was published by Zoo Press in the fall of 2003. She lives in Florence, Italy where she teaches various writing and literature courses in New York University’s and Florida State University’s study-abroad programs.
Brandon Dameshek is a former winner of the Eileen Lannan Prize for Poetry. His work has appeared in The Coe Review, Cimarron Review, Columbia Poetry Review, and The Harrisburg Review, and is forthcoming in Portrait. He lives in Philadelphia with his wife, and is expecting a baby girl in August.
Carolyn Guinzio is the author of Quarry (Parlor Press, forthcoming 2008) and West Pullman (Bordighera 2005), winner of the 2004 Bordighera Poetry Prize. She has received awards from the Fund for Poetry, the Illinois Arts Council, the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and the Kentucky Arts Council. Her work has appeared in Colorado Review, Indiana Review, New American Writing, and Tarpaulin Sky among others. She lives in Fayetteville, AR.
Todd Hearon’s recent poems have appeared in Agni, Ploughshares, Poetry, Poetry London, Literary Imagination, Salamander, and Slate. He’s the recipient of a 2007 PEN New England “Discovery” Award and the 2007 Friends of Literature Prize from Poetry magazine.
Christopher Hennessy’s poetry has appeared in Ploughshares’ special Emerging Writers issue and has appeared or is forthcoming in Cimarron Review, Crab Orchard Review, Wisconsin Review, Natural Bridge, the James White Review, Bay Windows, Full Circle (online) and elsewhere. Other poems appear in a recently released anthology of new gay male poets, edited by Rudy Kikel. His book Outside the Lines: Interviews with Contemporary Gay Poets was published in 2005 by University of Michigan Press.
P.F. Potvin’s work has appeared in Boston Review, Passages North, 5 A.M., Black Warrior Review, Sentence, and elsewhere. His manuscripts have been finalists in the New Issues Press Competition (Western Michigan University) and the Poetry Center Prize (Cleveland State University).
Sharma Shields lives in Missoula, Montana. She is the current fiction editor for Cutbank, a literary biannual. In 2003, she was the recipient of the A.B. Guthrie Award for Outstanding Prose.
Sean Singer is the author of Discography (Yale University Press, 2002), winner of the Yale Series of Younger Poets Prize, and the Norma Farber First Book Award from the Poetry Society of America and a Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts; and Honey & Smoke (Eyewear Publishing, 2015). He drives a taxi in New York City.
Rodney Wittwer’s poems have appeared in many literary journals, such as Barrow Street, Cimarron Review, Diagram, Pleiades, and Ploughshares. His first book, Gone & Gone, is forthcoming from Red Hen Press; an online chapbook, Border Reports, featuring a selection of poems from that book, can be found on Web del Sol: